
Is Territorial Army a Full-Time Job?

FAO Academy
February 24, 2024
5 min
The Territorial Army offers a unique opportunity to serve your country while pursuing your civilian career, but it requires dedication, commitment, and a willingness to balance multiple responsibilities.
Exploring the commitment of territorial army.

The Territorial Army (TA) is often misunderstood in terms of its role and commitment. Many people wonder if serving in the Territorial Army can be considered a full-time job. In this blog post, we'll delve into the nature of the Territorial Army, its responsibilities, and whether or not it constitutes a full-time occupation.

Understanding the Territorial Army

The Territorial Army is a part-time component of the British Army, composed of volunteers who train in their spare time and can be called upon for active duty when needed. Its primary role is to provide reinforcement to the regular army during times of crisis or conflict, as well as to support civil authorities in emergencies.

Commitment and Training

Members of the Territorial Army typically commit to training sessions and exercises on weekends and occasional evenings. While the frequency and intensity of training may vary depending on the individual's role and unit, it is generally understood that TA soldiers are part-time personnel who balance their military duties with civilian careers or other commitments.

Employment Status

One key aspect to consider is the employment status of Territorial Army members. Unlike regular soldiers, who have a full-time military career, TA soldiers are often employed in civilian professions. While serving in the Territorial Army can provide valuable skills and experiences, it is not typically considered a full-time job in the traditional sense, as it does not provide a consistent salary or benefits.

Financial Considerations

TA soldiers receive pay for their training and any active service they undertake, but this is often supplemental to their primary source of income. While the pay can vary depending on rank and service commitment, it is generally not sufficient to support oneself without additional employment or financial support.

Balancing Responsibilities

One of the challenges faced by Territorial Army members is balancing their military duties with their civilian lives. Many TA soldiers juggle demanding careers, family commitments, and other responsibilities alongside their military service. While the TA offers flexibility in terms of training schedules and commitments, it still requires a significant level of dedication and time management.

Career Progression

For some individuals, serving in the Territorial Army can lead to opportunities for career advancement within the military or in civilian sectors that value military experience. However, it's important to recognize that progression within the TA may not be as rapid or structured as in the regular army, and career development often depends on individual initiative and dedication.


In summary, while serving in the Territorial Army can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience, it is not typically considered a full-time job in the traditional sense. TA soldiers are part-time volunteers who balance their military commitments with civilian careers and other responsibilities. While the TA offers valuable training, experiences, and opportunities for personal development, it is important for individuals considering joining to understand the commitment involved and the impact it may have on their lives.