
How to Hone Your Inner Officer and Build OLQs into Daily Life

FAO Academy
December 18, 2023
7 min
"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."
How to encompass leadership for Officer Like Qualities

Developing Officer-Like Qualities (OLQs) is crucial for anyone aspiring to become an officer in the defense forces. These qualities encompass leadership, decision-making, effective communication, and more. Here's how you can inculcate OLQs into your daily life, along with examples:

1. Leadership:

Daily Practice:

2. Effective Communication:

Daily Practice:

3. Decision-making:

Daily Practice:

4. Courage and Determination:

Daily Practice:

5. Teamwork and Cooperation:

Daily Practice:

6. Adaptability and Flexibility:

Daily Practice:

7. Sense of Responsibility:

Daily Practice:

Examples of Inculcating OLQs in Daily Life:

1. Leadership:

2. Effective Communication:

3. Decision-making:

4. Courage and Determination:

5. Teamwork and Cooperation:

6. Adaptability and Flexibility:

7. Sense of Responsibility:

Incorporating these qualities into your daily life gradually shapes your character, preparing you to embody the essence of an officer well before you even enter the service. By consistently practicing and nurturing these OLQs, you're not just preparing for an interview but also cultivating a strong foundation for your future as a leader.